Sunday, September 28, 2008

Why I think MULTIPLY is BETTER ...

(This is a repost of my email which I sent to family and friends last May 2008. I think other people who will read this will find this information useful)

Dear Family & Friends,
I am sending this email to convince you who are closest to me to sign up for an account with multiply if you haven't yet. I know friendster seems to be more convenient since almost everyone you know is already there. But that's just it, almost everyone you know is there and there's just too much friends on their side. Sa sobrang dami nila, it's hard to keep track of all of them. Friendster just shows the most recent updates. Unlike at MULTIPLY, you can categorize whose updates you want to view through the INBOX section or choose to view all. At MULTIPLY, you keep the closest of your friends and your family. At MULTIPLY, relationships are more meaningful because you can label what type of relationship you have with that person.
Also, videos uploaded at multiply are as clear as your original video unlike in YOUTUBE wherein the resolution regresses.
Oh yeah, if FRIENDSTER has the WHO'S VIEW YOU, it just shows you who has viewed your profile (that is, if your setting is not set as anonymous) but it doesn't say when and which part that person has viewed. At MULTIPLY, considering that person has an account with multiply and has logged in, you get to know when he/she has viewed your site and which pages were viewed. If they viewed your site from an email you sent, you'd still know when they viewed you and shows their email address.
So, to all reading my email right now ... read more below to find out other ADVANTAGES OF BEING AT MULTIPLY. IT'S NOT HARD TO TRANSFER YOUR CONTACTS FROM OTHER PLACES ... There's an INVITE button at MULTIPLY that allows you to IMPORT YOUR FRIENDS from FRIENDSTER and other places.
Oh yeah, did I mention that there's just THOUSANDS OF THEMES to choose from??? There's NO DULL MOMENT AT MULTIPLY!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

My 1st grader ...

This year, I have a 1st grader ... my eldest, Chloe Victoria started school at Wise Kids School of Muntinlupa last June 17, 2008. She's in the morning class (Grade 1 - Joshua) under the advisory of Teacher Sheila, who also happens to be Chloe's class adviser last school year.

Class starts at 7am and ends at 12noon. They are 20 in the class and have 2 teachers in the room. One is the subject teacher and the other is the assistant teacher.

As you can see in the picture on the right, my daughter has grown into a lovely, young girl. She's wearing the graders uniform which is now short sleeved and pleated skirt as compared to the pre-schooler's sleeveless and macarena style shorts/skirt. She loves the new uniform ... she says, "it's very lady-like".

My 1st grader seems to be adjusting well with grade school. She espescially liked the "clubs" which they attend every Thursday during their MAPE day. She has chosen to be with the ARTS Club because naturally, she is a lover of the arts and craft ...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

i just feel happy ...

i woke up in a very good mood today that's why i asked my hubby to give me some time to do some blogging ... lam nyo na, para naman di masyado kalawangin utak ko ... hehehe ... i slept early last night because I got the kids to sleep early as well ... as usual, lancepot woke up the earliest (he's our alarm clock) ... and once lance is up, i'm up as well.

turned on the tv to lance's channel (playhouse disney) ... checked my emails ... opened my multiply inbox ... viewed the updates ... then, saw the new multiply themes posted at the cherry grocery ... siempre na-excite na naman ako ... hehehe! couldn't help myself kaya I changed my theme ...

wala lang, just felt like blogging again ... makes me feel good to express how i feel ... what i think ... yun, ganun.

masaya lang ako ... kasi magaling na kaming mag-iina ... yup, me and the kids had the flu ... then my bp had been rising plus add the fact that i've been tachycardic just before our helper left for the province ... i guess i was just stressed by the fact that our helper would be leaving while i was still sick ... and both kids are sick as well ... then i tried shifting to another anti-hypertensive drug (again, sigh) which did not work for me so i had to go back to my dependable AMVASC ...

now, am good ... feelin much better now ... that's all ... nothing more to add ... next time again ... God bless!

Friday, May 16, 2008

How I Spent Mother's Day (2008)

2008, I spent Mother's Day at home with my family. Mon and I ordered pizza and chicken from Greenwich. The "black forest" cake from Goldilocks came from my Dad.

No pics to share during that day since all of us were too hungry to pose for the camera. Everyone couldn't wait to eat because we ordered for lunch.

For dinner, Mon cooked some hamburgers for all of us.

Previous to that, Mon and I had a date movie ... we watched "Iron Man" at SM Muntinlupa. Both of us enjoyed the movie because for one, the cinema was really nice (siempre brand new e ;p), it was clean and the aircon was excellent ... bring a jacket with you ... second, I really treasure these moments when Mon and I get to spend quality time ("just the two of us") together thanks to our very reliable and responsible, Rosalie who keeps an eye on our 2 chikitings while we are away.

Lastly, before I end this entry ... thought late, I would like to forever thank my mother, Vickee Llamas, for showing me through example how it is to be a good mother. I LOVE YOU, MOMMY!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Chloe and Lance's A.G.E. Recovery

This journal entry is a continuation of what happened to my kids after experiencing A.G.E. or Acute Gastro Enteritis or as the wikipedia would explain it,

"Gastroenteritis (also known as gastro, gastric flu, and stomach flu although unrelated to influenza) refers to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, involving both the stomach and the small intestine (see also gastritis and enteritis) and resulting in acute diarrhea. The inflammation is caused most often by infection with certain viruses, less often by bacteria or their toxins, parasites, or adverse reaction to something in the diet or medication."

Chloe was admitted for "rehydration" because she was experiencing vomiting and diarrhea simulatenously. Lance on the other hand, had 3 episodes of vomiting on the first day and 1 loose bowel movement. Since he was not vomiting and having diarrhea at the same time, I knew what to do with him just like what had happened to him before.

Unfortunately this time around, Lance's tummy could not tolerate any dairy products, which meant having to give up on his milk (despite trying to give him diluted al110) for a few days. Otherwise, he was gassy, colicky, fussy, "pa-karga" all the time.

His vomiting disappeared but he had no appetite, was weak and always sleepy. Miraculously, beef broth with some rice and coca-cola was Lance's energy booster. After Mon fed him this, with some apple or banana as dessert, he was fine. However, the following day, he started having loose bowel movements which is normal for children having A.G.E.

Luckily, our pedia, Dra. Corazon Omalin, was very patient, supportive and understanding. Through text, I told her that Chloe's bowel movements (about 4x a day) were still loose and watery even a day after being discharged from the hospital. I also told her that Lance was also beginning to have loose bowel movements, too. Immediately, she replied and prescribed to give both kids Furoxone 3x a day for 5 days.

As of today, both my kids are doing much, much better ... thanks you, God!