Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Chloe and Lance's A.G.E. Recovery

This journal entry is a continuation of what happened to my kids after experiencing A.G.E. or Acute Gastro Enteritis or as the wikipedia would explain it,

"Gastroenteritis (also known as gastro, gastric flu, and stomach flu although unrelated to influenza) refers to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, involving both the stomach and the small intestine (see also gastritis and enteritis) and resulting in acute diarrhea. The inflammation is caused most often by infection with certain viruses, less often by bacteria or their toxins, parasites, or adverse reaction to something in the diet or medication."

Chloe was admitted for "rehydration" because she was experiencing vomiting and diarrhea simulatenously. Lance on the other hand, had 3 episodes of vomiting on the first day and 1 loose bowel movement. Since he was not vomiting and having diarrhea at the same time, I knew what to do with him just like what had happened to him before.

Unfortunately this time around, Lance's tummy could not tolerate any dairy products, which meant having to give up on his milk (despite trying to give him diluted al110) for a few days. Otherwise, he was gassy, colicky, fussy, "pa-karga" all the time.

His vomiting disappeared but he had no appetite, was weak and always sleepy. Miraculously, beef broth with some rice and coca-cola was Lance's energy booster. After Mon fed him this, with some apple or banana as dessert, he was fine. However, the following day, he started having loose bowel movements which is normal for children having A.G.E.

Luckily, our pedia, Dra. Corazon Omalin, was very patient, supportive and understanding. Through text, I told her that Chloe's bowel movements (about 4x a day) were still loose and watery even a day after being discharged from the hospital. I also told her that Lance was also beginning to have loose bowel movements, too. Immediately, she replied and prescribed to give both kids Furoxone 3x a day for 5 days.

As of today, both my kids are doing much, much better ... thanks you, God!

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