Friday, May 16, 2008

How I Spent Mother's Day (2008)

2008, I spent Mother's Day at home with my family. Mon and I ordered pizza and chicken from Greenwich. The "black forest" cake from Goldilocks came from my Dad.

No pics to share during that day since all of us were too hungry to pose for the camera. Everyone couldn't wait to eat because we ordered for lunch.

For dinner, Mon cooked some hamburgers for all of us.

Previous to that, Mon and I had a date movie ... we watched "Iron Man" at SM Muntinlupa. Both of us enjoyed the movie because for one, the cinema was really nice (siempre brand new e ;p), it was clean and the aircon was excellent ... bring a jacket with you ... second, I really treasure these moments when Mon and I get to spend quality time ("just the two of us") together thanks to our very reliable and responsible, Rosalie who keeps an eye on our 2 chikitings while we are away.

Lastly, before I end this entry ... thought late, I would like to forever thank my mother, Vickee Llamas, for showing me through example how it is to be a good mother. I LOVE YOU, MOMMY!

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