Saturday, June 21, 2008

My 1st grader ...

This year, I have a 1st grader ... my eldest, Chloe Victoria started school at Wise Kids School of Muntinlupa last June 17, 2008. She's in the morning class (Grade 1 - Joshua) under the advisory of Teacher Sheila, who also happens to be Chloe's class adviser last school year.

Class starts at 7am and ends at 12noon. They are 20 in the class and have 2 teachers in the room. One is the subject teacher and the other is the assistant teacher.

As you can see in the picture on the right, my daughter has grown into a lovely, young girl. She's wearing the graders uniform which is now short sleeved and pleated skirt as compared to the pre-schooler's sleeveless and macarena style shorts/skirt. She loves the new uniform ... she says, "it's very lady-like".

My 1st grader seems to be adjusting well with grade school. She espescially liked the "clubs" which they attend every Thursday during their MAPE day. She has chosen to be with the ARTS Club because naturally, she is a lover of the arts and craft ...

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