Sunday, September 28, 2008

Why I think MULTIPLY is BETTER ...

(This is a repost of my email which I sent to family and friends last May 2008. I think other people who will read this will find this information useful)

Dear Family & Friends,
I am sending this email to convince you who are closest to me to sign up for an account with multiply if you haven't yet. I know friendster seems to be more convenient since almost everyone you know is already there. But that's just it, almost everyone you know is there and there's just too much friends on their side. Sa sobrang dami nila, it's hard to keep track of all of them. Friendster just shows the most recent updates. Unlike at MULTIPLY, you can categorize whose updates you want to view through the INBOX section or choose to view all. At MULTIPLY, you keep the closest of your friends and your family. At MULTIPLY, relationships are more meaningful because you can label what type of relationship you have with that person.
Also, videos uploaded at multiply are as clear as your original video unlike in YOUTUBE wherein the resolution regresses.
Oh yeah, if FRIENDSTER has the WHO'S VIEW YOU, it just shows you who has viewed your profile (that is, if your setting is not set as anonymous) but it doesn't say when and which part that person has viewed. At MULTIPLY, considering that person has an account with multiply and has logged in, you get to know when he/she has viewed your site and which pages were viewed. If they viewed your site from an email you sent, you'd still know when they viewed you and shows their email address.
So, to all reading my email right now ... read more below to find out other ADVANTAGES OF BEING AT MULTIPLY. IT'S NOT HARD TO TRANSFER YOUR CONTACTS FROM OTHER PLACES ... There's an INVITE button at MULTIPLY that allows you to IMPORT YOUR FRIENDS from FRIENDSTER and other places.
Oh yeah, did I mention that there's just THOUSANDS OF THEMES to choose from??? There's NO DULL MOMENT AT MULTIPLY!

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