Sunday, November 11, 2007

My Breastfeeding Experience, Part 1 - "Give Breastfeeding A Chance"

My Breastfeeding Experience – Part 2


Breastfeeding is just one of the challenges that women go through when they enter motherhood. I salute those mothers who were able to commit themselves to breastfeeding their children for at least 6 months. Yup, it has to be a minimum of 6 months. That’s what my pediatrician told me. You need to breastfeed for a minimum of 6 months to reach that goal of giving your child a stronger immune system. Then again, breastfeeding even for a short period of time is better that not being able to breastfeed at all.

I am not criticizing those who did not breastfeed their children nor those who breastfed their children for less than 6 months. Of course, breastfeeding is a CHOICE. I am writing this to encourage mothers to try breastfeeding. Once you have started, stay committed. It’s very hard to commit yourself to breastfeeding your baby for at least 6 months, but it is possible.

As a matter of fact, I am guilty … Guilty because I was not able to breastfeed my eldest. Six years ago, I had this notion that breastfeeding the baby for a few days to a week was enough. I thought that as long as my baby was able to feed on the colostrum (the first milk which is slightly yellowish in color that is rich in antibodies), it was enough. I was definitely not into breastfeeding. I found it too hard … I didn’t even bother trying hard enough. I tried breastfeeding Chloe when they roomed her in the hospital but found “latching-on” difficult. She would be able to latch-on and suck vigorously but eventually, she would lose grip on my nipple. I found it hard to see her so hungry and frustrated which is why I eventually gave in to feeding her with milk formula. Eventually, I used my small nipple as an alibi to breastfeeding. I didn’t even try to learn how to make the baby latch on properly nor try different breastfeeding positions. I just gave up …

I thought, bottle feeding was more convenient and my husband would be able to take turns with me during the night feedings. Vanity also took toll on me. I was afraid that my breasts would sag as a result of breastfeeding. I didn’t get any support from family. Nobody encouraged me to try breastfeeding nor explained to me the benefits that came with it. My father volunteered to provide us with milk formula because he gets about 30-40% discount from My-lac and Hi-nulac (products from the company he worked for) as one of the privileges of a retired employee of Unilab. This was an additional reason for me to choose milk formula than breastfeeding.

Why am I sharing this experience? It’s not too late! If you didn’t try breastfeeding like I did before, you can always try again with your succeeding children.

More mature now and more prepared for the coming of a new baby, I told myself that I would give breastfeeding another chance. This time, the nurses from Medical Center Muntinlupa’s NICU were very encouraging and supportive. My pediatrician and the pedia-resident on duty talked to me about breastfeeding and its benefits. My OB-GYNE also encouraged me to breastfeed. Even my parents and my hubby were supportive as well. Because of all these, I became determined to try it and stay committed.

Kindly read my previous blog, “My Breastfeeding Experience” about what I went through when I started breastfeeding as well as the benefits to both the mother and the baby.

And so, I tried and got the hang of it. I found breastfeeding as a wonderful experience despite the minor discomforts I had to go through. Breastfeeding was “bonding time” between me and Lance. It felt really good that I have something to share with my child that I alone could give him. This was a priceless 10 months experience … And, I actually miss it …

Again, to all the pregnant women and new mothers out there, I urge all of you to give breastfeeding a try. It won’t be easy at first but once you get the hang of it, it will bring you and your baby numerous benefits plus the joy that you will feel confirms “mommyhood”.

Please prepare yourself emotionally and physically for this job. A lot of love, encouragement and support from family and friends are also key points to the success of breastfeeding.

Once you are able to achieve the goal – breastfeeding for a minimum of 6 months … In the end, you will know that it is ALL WORTH IT.

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