Thursday, November 15, 2007

Christmas 3 + 1 = 2007

Something's different this year ... nope, it's not the Christmas tree nor the decorations to be put up. It's our Christmas tree (3+1) formula ... This year, we're no longer a tree (3) ... We have an addition to the family ... (+) LANCE.

Last year, when Mon put up our Christmas tree, Lance was only about 2 months old. He was just staring at the lights and most of the decorations were done by his sister. This year, he had more active participation. In his own little way, he tried his best to help his sister. He takes the balls and flowers out of the box and gives them to Chloe. Funny because most of the balls and flowers ended up on the floor while an angry big sister was losing her patience. Ahahaha! You should have seen Chloe's face >:o( hehehe! She was yelling at me to stop taking pictures and hold Lance instead because she was already tired of picking up after the Christmas decorations that Lance left across the entire floor. It was so funny!

Anyway, when Mon turned on the Christmas lights, the little boy stopping trying to help his sister. Instead, his attention was caught by the lights all over the tree. He was fascinated! He enjoyed looking at his reflection on the shiny balls. Good thing he was just holding and touching the balls instead of his usual gnawing and putting things in his mouth.

And so, here's the division of labor:

(1) Mon assembled the tree and placed the Christmas lights ...

(2) Chloe and I decorated the tree with balls and flowers ...

(3) Lance ... well, he sort of tried to help with decorating the tree ... hahaha! We just allowed him to put the angel on top of the tree ...

(4) Lastly, Mon and I placed the ribbon and then decorated our plants outside with Christmas lights.

Hopefully by December, we shall be adding more decorations ...

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