After almost 3 months after giving birth to Lance, I have finally found the time to write …
Let me start with September … After the Linggo ng Wika last August, the month of September was supposed to be “field trip” time for Chloe. However, since I was scheduled for a repeat cesarean section with Lance on September 20 (too close for comfort with Chloe’s school field trip), we decided not to let her join because she said that she wanted to be present when Lance arrives in the nursery.

24 hours after giving birth, I was already able to walk. Since Lance was being monitored for his hyperbilirubinemia (result of ABO incompatibility … am a type O while Lance is type A) and was being given antibiotics for infection (his urinalysis showed high pus cells), I was the one who visited him at the nursery every 2-3 hours to breastfeed him. His blood culture test showed that he was negative for those deadly bacteria like strep pneumonia and the like which was why his pedia allowed us to take him home on the 3rd day. However, he went home with a heplock where I injected his antibiotic to finish 7 days.

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