Friday, August 11, 2006


Today, I turned 31 ... My birthday this year is meaningful because I'm going to be a mom again ... 5 years after giving birth to a beautiful daughter, I get to experience what it was like again ... this time around, we're having a baby boy :)

Being pregnant again after 5 years made me feel like it was my first ... not a bad thing but a good thing ... the excitement that Mon and I felt when we found out that I was pregnant with Chloe then was how we felt now with Lance. This time, Mon and I are more confident with ourselves because we've travelled through this road before and now know what to expect and how to prepare.

My family and I stayed at home today ... Chloe had school and the weather was bad ... had been raining almost all day. Wasn't really planning on doing anything today because we have been saving up for my delivery next month.

But because parents will be parents ... my Dad called to tell me that he was coming over and he's going to sponsor the day's celebration. He said that he was able to set aside a little something so we can order some goodies to eat ;9

Lunch, we had pizza delivered and for dinner we had Maxx's deliver kare-kare, chicken sisig and half regular fried chicken.

It was all good ... I think tomorrow Mon's going to do some marketing and cook for me ... He was supposed to do this today but was not feeling well.

We'll see tomorrow ... wink wink!

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