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Chloe's 5th Birthday
Chloe turned 5 years old this year. We celebrated it on her birthday itself, 01 June 2006. Chloe had been planning her birthday for months now. She knew exactly what she wanted for her birthday. She told us that she wanted a Barbie Elina Mermaidia doll as a gift from us. Also, she wanted a birthday cake, spaghetti, fried chicken and pizza. Of course we said yes to what she wanted but we did not plan on having guests over. It would just be the three (or almost 4 including the baby inside my tummy) of us.
Three days before her big day, we went to Goldilock’s, Festival Mall to order her cake. She wanted a Barbie birthday cake. Since Goldilock’s did not have such a theme, I decided on just ordering an ordinary mocha chiffon with marshmallow icing cake. My mom sent me some small fairy & mermaid Barbie dolls which I had in mind as decoration for the cake. We told Chloe that the cake will be ready on her birthday on Thursday.
As we headed home, she told us that she wanted her cousins to come and greet her on her birthday. This changed our plan … we said that we will invite her cousins over but we can not promise her that everybody will be able to come. We explained that her birthday falls on Thursday which was a weekday and her “titos” amd “titas” might have work that day and they may not be able to bring her cousins over.
That night, I started calling my parent-in-laws as well as Mon’s siblings. I told them that we will be celebrating Chloe’s 5th birthday on Thursday, 01 June 2006. Surprisingly, everyone said that they will be able to come. That was great news! I knew then that this was going to be a great birthday party because Chloe will surely enjoy herself with her cousins.
As added fun, we told everyone to bring extra clothes and swimming attire for the kids as we plan on setting up the big inflatable kiddie pool if the weather was nice.
The morning of June 1st, I went to Goldilock’s, Festival Mall to pick up Chloe’s birthday cake and to meet my Dad (aka Lolo Noel). Mon stayed home because he was going to start cooking and Chloe on the other hand was still asleep when I left.
When we (my Dad and I) arrived home, it was lunch time and we ordered pizza from Yellow Cab for lunch. Chloe was excited! She saw the gifts from us and from her Lolo Noel … I told her that we had to eat lunch first, then she had to take a bath and get dressed. She did and when she was done, she happily posed for the camera while we took pictures and videos of her blowing her cake and opening her gifts from Lolo Noel and from Mon and I.
While waiting for her guests to arrive, Chloe played with her gifts with her Lolo Noel. Mon had finished cooking and was setting up the pool now. At around 4pm, the guests started arriving … the kids immediately saw the pool and you can see that their eyes were glowing! We told them that they had to eat first before they can start swimming. The kids happily obliged and once finished, they asked if they could get changed into their swimming attires.
Chloe and Yianel changed into their bathing suits while Evan, Jerard and Shane changed into their bathing shorts.
You could see the kids having lots of fun splashing inside the pool! It was humid but the sky was clear … Bathing in the pool was very refreshing and you could see that the adults were envious of the kids … Hehehe!
Jerard and Shane came out earlier as they were the smaller kids and had to be dried and changed before they catch a cold. The bigger kids (Yianel, Evan & Chloe), however stayed longer till around 6pm.
After swimming, the kids were bathed and changed into dry clothes. They played inside the house while the adults were scattered all over. Some were having conversations in the living room, others were eating again in the dining room and the others were looking at our aviary and fish pond at the back.
We served cake while I downloaded the pictures and video clips from my camera to our computer. Everyone was happy …
At around 9pm, it was time for everyone to go home … We were not able to give them “take home” as the food was all consumed. The kids were tired but enjoyed themselves …
Chloe was happiest and could not wait to open the other gifts that were given to her by her cousins.
Click here to view the pictures from her birthday.
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