Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Saturday, September 04, 2010
To All The CHINESE Who Blame THE FILIPINOS for What Happened During the HOSTAGE TAKING
This is a repost from an email that was forwarded to me:
whoever wrote this, thank you, very well said...
> You hate the Filipino people for the hostage fiasco that unfortunate incident that went out of control at the end. This was a hostage situation that was under control and which netted 7 Chinese tourists to be released upon the efforts of our policemen.> > >
You appear and sound sanctimonious and have even stepped upon our sovereignty. You have demanded apology, the moon and the heavens. You hate the Filipino people as if we wanted this unfortunate incident to happen. First and foremost, we offer our condolences to the families of the 8 that were killed in this incident. Secondly, we are sorry for the bungled handling of this hostage taking. It was unfortunate, it was an accident, we never planned it that way. Is it fair to blame a whole nation for a situation that was never planned?
> > > Let me ask you this question, "Should we hate you also for the lead poisoning caused by the paint you used in your baby furniture and toys for the children of the world? Should we hate you also for the use of cardboard in the "siopao" that you sell to tourists? Should we hate you also for the melamine contamination wherein not 8, but hundreds, maybe even thousands have suffered and some even died?
> > > Or, let us talk of Filipino casualties. A few years ago, 3 Filipino tourists, all surnamed Madrigal, a family of 5 were walking on Tienemen Square and Beijing. One Chinese stabbed the father and two of his children, killing all three. Were you even sorry for what this one Chinese did? Did the Filipino people even demand that China apologized for this unfortunate incident. This was PRE-MEDITATED MURDER.
> > > Just as the use of lead, cardboard, melamine was pre-meditated - used because they were cheaper materials, in order to generate PROFITS for the Chinese businessman. Did you pay damages the same way you are demanding damages from the Filipino nation and people.
> > > Where was the anger of the Chinese and Hongkong people? Did you even apologize to the world? My God in the case of melanine, you even kept this information from the world, until you were exposed for what you are!!!
> > > Enough! We symphatize but don't blame the Filipino people.
> > > So you want to send our OFWs home, that take care of your children? They play an important part in your lives. Both spouses are able to work, earn money because of the tender loving care being heaped on your children by Filipino maids and yayas/amahs. While you pay our OFWs for the work they do, you earn more for the love and care they bestow on your children. Go ahead, send our OFWs home. Let us see how that will affect your family incomes.
> > > Enough!
> > > Pass this to all Filipinos you know. If you love your country, perhaps you'll send this.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Why I think MULTIPLY is BETTER ...
Dear Family & Friends,
Saturday, June 21, 2008
My 1st grader ...
Class starts at 7am and ends at 12noon. They are 20 in the class and have 2 teachers in the room. One is the subject teacher and the other is the assistant teacher.
As you can see in the picture on the right, my daughter has grown into a lovely, young girl. She's wearing the graders uniform which is now short sleeved and pleated skirt as compared to the pre-schooler's sleeveless and macarena style shorts/skirt. She loves the new uniform ... she says, "it's very lady-like".
My 1st grader seems to be adjusting well with grade school. She espescially liked the "clubs" which they attend every Thursday during their MAPE day. She has chosen to be with the ARTS Club because naturally, she is a lover of the arts and craft ...
Sunday, May 18, 2008
i just feel happy ...
i woke up in a very good mood today that's why i asked my hubby to give me some time to do some blogging ... lam nyo na, para naman di masyado kalawangin utak ko ... hehehe ... i slept early last night because I got the kids to sleep early as well ... as usual, lancepot woke up the earliest (he's our alarm clock) ... and once lance is up, i'm up as well.
turned on the tv to lance's channel (playhouse disney) ... checked my emails ... opened my multiply inbox ... viewed the updates ... then, saw the new multiply themes posted at the cherry grocery ... siempre na-excite na naman ako ... hehehe! couldn't help myself kaya I changed my theme ...
wala lang, just felt like blogging again ... makes me feel good to express how i feel ... what i think ... yun, ganun.
masaya lang ako ... kasi magaling na kaming mag-iina ... yup, me and the kids had the flu ... then my bp had been rising plus add the fact that i've been tachycardic just before our helper left for the province ... i guess i was just stressed by the fact that our helper would be leaving while i was still sick ... and both kids are sick as well ... then i tried shifting to another anti-hypertensive drug (again, sigh) which did not work for me so i had to go back to my dependable AMVASC ...
now, am good ... feelin much better now ... that's all ... nothing more to add ... next time again ... God bless!
Friday, May 16, 2008
How I Spent Mother's Day (2008)
2008, I spent Mother's Day at home with my family. Mon and I ordered pizza and chicken from Greenwich. The "black forest" cake from Goldilocks came from my Dad.
No pics to share during that day since all of us were too hungry to pose for the camera. Everyone couldn't wait to eat because we ordered for lunch.
For dinner, Mon cooked some hamburgers for all of us.
Previous to that, Mon and I had a date movie ... we watched "Iron Man" at SM Muntinlupa. Both of us enjoyed the movie because for one, the cinema was really nice (siempre brand new e ;p), it was clean and the aircon was excellent ... bring a jacket with you ... second, I really treasure these moments when Mon and I get to spend quality time ("just the two of us") together thanks to our very reliable and responsible, Rosalie who keeps an eye on our 2 chikitings while we are away.
Lastly, before I end this entry ... thought late, I would like to forever thank my mother, Vickee Llamas, for showing me through example how it is to be a good mother. I LOVE YOU, MOMMY!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Chloe and Lance's A.G.E. Recovery
This journal entry is a continuation of what happened to my kids after experiencing A.G.E. or Acute Gastro Enteritis or as the wikipedia would explain it,
"Gastroenteritis (also known as gastro, gastric flu, and stomach flu although unrelated to influenza) refers to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, involving both the stomach and the small intestine (see also gastritis and enteritis) and resulting in acute diarrhea. The inflammation is caused most often by infection with certain viruses, less often by bacteria or their toxins, parasites, or adverse reaction to something in the diet or medication."
Chloe was admitted for "rehydration" because she was experiencing vomiting and diarrhea simulatenously. Lance on the other hand, had 3 episodes of vomiting on the first day and 1 loose bowel movement. Since he was not vomiting and having diarrhea at the same time, I knew what to do with him just like what had happened to him before.
Unfortunately this time around, Lance's tummy could not tolerate any dairy products, which meant having to give up on his milk (despite trying to give him diluted al110) for a few days. Otherwise, he was gassy, colicky, fussy, "pa-karga" all the time.
His vomiting disappeared but he had no appetite, was weak and always sleepy. Miraculously, beef broth with some rice and coca-cola was Lance's energy booster. After Mon fed him this, with some apple or banana as dessert, he was fine. However, the following day, he started having loose bowel movements which is normal for children having A.G.E.
Luckily, our pedia, Dra. Corazon Omalin, was very patient, supportive and understanding. Through text, I told her that Chloe's bowel movements (about 4x a day) were still loose and watery even a day after being discharged from the hospital. I also told her that Lance was also beginning to have loose bowel movements, too. Immediately, she replied and prescribed to give both kids Furoxone 3x a day for 5 days.
As of today, both my kids are doing much, much better ... thanks you, God!
Friday, November 23, 2007
I am writing this to help other parents out there to know what they should do when their child vomits. Most of the time, parents and/or caregivers of the child try to replace the amount that was vomitted with a fluid & electrolyte replacement immediately after the child has vomitted. WRONG!!!
Read on ... Just 2 days ago, Lance, my 1 year old, vomitted his dinner. I believe we overfed him. His last food intake was about 8 in the evening of Tuesday, 20 Nov. '07. After a couple of hours, he asked for milk (about 5 ounces) and then after another 3 hours, he asked for milk again (another 5 ounces). By 3am, he vomitted all that he ate and drank. The vomitus have not been digested.
It was a good thing that I talked to a friend of mine just recently whose grandchild was hospitalized due to vomitting and diarrhea. She clearly told me her mistake ... she gave her grandchild fluids immediately after vomiting which was WRONG ... She said that the hospital personnel told her that she should have waited about 3-4 hours before giving her some fluids. And, that was what I did with Lance when he vomitted. I waited it out ...
Now, here's the information you need. I got this from my childcare book (Caring For Your Baby And Young Child - Birth to Age 5):
Since many common childhood illnesses can cause vomiting, you should expect your child to have this problem several times during these early years. Usually, IT ENDS QUICKLY WITHOUT TREATMENT, but this doesn't make it any easier for you to watch.
VOMITING is the forceful throwing up of stomach contents through the mouth. SPITTING UP (most commonly seen in infants under 1 year of age) is the easy flow of stomach contents out of the mouth, frequently with a burp.
In most cases, vomiting will stop without specific medical treatment. You should never use OVER-THE-COUNTER or prescription remedies unless they've been specifically prescribed by your pediatrician.
1. When your infant or young child is vomiting, keep her lying on her stomach or side as much as possible. This will minimize the chances of vomit being inhaled into the upper airway and lungs.
2. For the 1st 24 hours, keep your child OFF SOLID FOODS. Liquids not only help to prevent dehydration, but also are less likely than solid foods to stimulate further vomiting. Encourage her to suck or drink clear fluids such as:
- water
- sugar water (half teaspoon [2.5cc] sugar in 4 oz. [120ml] of water)
- popsicles
- gelatin water (1 tsp [5cc] of flavored gelatin in 4 oz. [120ml] of water)
- electrolyte solution
- chicken noodle soup (about 1-2oz [30-60cc])
- WAIT for 2-3 hours after the last vomitting episode, and then give 1-2 oz of cool water every 30 mins - 1 hour for 4 feedings;
- If she retains this, give 2 oz of electrolyte solution alternated with 2 oz of clear liquids every 30 mins;
- If this is retained for 2 feedings, add half strength formula or milk (depending upon age), and continue increasing the quantity slowly to 3-4 oz every 3-4 hours.
- Example. After retaining the electrolyte solution alternated with clear liquids, next fluid to be given after 30 mins is 2oz. formula or milk that is half the normal dilution (If the normal dilution is 2oz:2scoops; then you give 2oz:1scoop), if this is retained give 3oz (still half the normal dilution) after 3-4 hours, then if still (-) vomiting, give 4oz (still half the normal dilution) after 3-4 hours till she reaches about 6oz or whatever is her normal quantity milk intake.
- Eventually normalize the dilution when she has retained the half strength formula or milk that was given at a normal quantity.
4. After 12-24 hours with (-) vomiting, gradually return your child to her normal diet, but continue to give her plenty of clear fluids.
5. In most cases, your child will just need to stay at home and receive a liquid diet for 12-24 hours. Your pediatrician usually won't prescribe a drug to treat the vomiting.
6. If SHE CAN'T RETAIN ANY CLEAR LIQUIDS or the symptoms become more severe, notify your pediatrician. She will examine your child and may order blood and urine tests or x-rays to make a diagnosis. Occasionally, hospital care may be necessary.
7. Occasionally, infections outside the gastro-intestinal tract will cause vomiting and such conditions MAY REQUIRE IMMEDIATE MEDICAL TREATMENT, so BE ALERT for the following TROUBLE SIGNS whatever your child's age: (NOTIFY YOUR PEDIATRICIAN ASAP)
- blood or bile (a green-colored material) in the vomitus
- severe abdominal pain
- strenuous, repeated vomiting
- swollen abdomen
- lethargy or severe irritability
- convulsions
- signs or symptoms of dehydration, including dry mouth, absent tears, depression of the "soft spot," and decreased urination
- inability to drink adequate amounts of fluid
- vomiting continuing beyond 12-24 hours
* Only ISIS is clinically proven to be as effective as electric pumps
* Only ISIS features a Let-down Massage Cushion™ for a fast, natural let-down
* Only ISIS combines massage with a gentle vacuum, while all other pumps rely solely on suction
* Only ISIS redefines manual pumping by needing only occasional compressions on the handle after achieving let-down
You can prepare for a successful breastfeeding experience with the Avent ISIS Breast Pump. ISIS is a manual pump clinically proven to be as effective as electric pumps, yet mothers rated ISIS easier and more convenient to use.
ISIS is designed to work naturally, and is ideal for new mothers who are learning to breastfeed. ISIS is the only breast pump that has a patented Let-down Massage Cushion™ to stimulate the same gentle let-down as breastfeeding. This allows you to express milk more quickly, with no discomfort, even in the early stages of breastfeeding.
ISIS is the only pump that doesn’t rely on suction alone to be effective. Instead, ISIS uses a gentle massage and vacuum system that works quickly and efficiently.
First, the soft petal massagers flex with each compression of the handle to gently massage the area behind the nipple, achieving a natural let-down. Then, the massagers work in tandem with the silicone diaphragm to draw milk gently and consistently, maintaining a fast milk flow with only occasional compressions from you.
The handle gives you fingertip control to make subtle and effortless adjustments for personal comfort, without interrupting your milk flow. With ISIS, the speed and pressure are exactly what you need, every time.
ISIS is designed to be lightweight and easy to take with you, and works quietly without batteries or electricity so you can express milk discreetly, anywhere, anytime.
The Avent Natural Feeding System is fully interchangeable, so you can use the same container to pump, store and feed without ever transferring your breast milk. This time-saving convenience is especially important to preserve valuable nutrients that can be lost each time breast milk is transferred.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Lifestyle check daw ...
Got this from Tanya Ortha ( who got it from Tippytots ...
1. What's the brand of your wristwatch?
TIMEX (inarbor ko sa mommy ko)
2. What's the brand of your bracelet?
N/A, don't wear bracelets except during special occassions
3. What's the brand of your cellphone?
NOKIA 3100
4. What's the brand of your computer?
not branded, GENERIC ... kami lang ni Mon ang bumuo
5. What's the brand of your bag?
KIM ROGERS (siempre, galing din kay ermats)
6. What's the brand of your flip flop?
SKETCHERS (minana ko kay mommy ... ngayon, kahit lasog-lasog na sya, dahil sa sya ang favorite ko, ito pa rin ang gamit ko)
7. What's the brand of your wallets?
Nine West
8. What's the brand of your perfume?
Happy by Clinique, which of course, I rarely use because of my kids ... kaya madalas cologne na lang
9. What's the brand of your shirts?
Iba-iba, depende kung ano ipadala ni madir
10. What's the brand of your tv?
11. What's the brand of your car?
Honda Civic
12. What's the brand of your shampoo and conditioner?
Sunsilk and Sunsilk pa rin
13. What's the brand of your body soap?
14. What's the brand of your dental floss?
15. What's the brand of your jeans?
16. What's the brand of your laundry soap?
17. What's the brand of your lotion?
18. What's the brand of your toothpaste?
19. What's the brand of your ballpen?
wala lang ...
Why God Made Moms ...
Why God made Moms --
BRILLIANT Answers given by 2nd grade school children to the following questions!!
Why did God make mothers?
1. She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is.
2. Mostly to clean the house.
3. To help us out of there when we were getting born.
How did God make mothers?
1. He used dirt, just like for the rest of us.
2. Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring
3. God made my Mom just the same like he made me. He Just used bigger parts.
What ingredients are mothers made of?
1. God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the world and one dab of mean.
2. They had to get their start from men's bones. Then they mostly use string, I think.
Why did God give you Your mother & not some other mom?
1. We're related
2. God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's moms like me.
What kind of little girl was your mom?
1. My mom has always been my mom and none of that other stuff.
2. I don't know because I wasn't there, but my guess would be pretty bossy.
3. They say she used to be nice.
What did mom need to know about dad before she married him?
1. His last name.
2. She had to know his background. Like is he a crook? Does he get drunk on beer?
3. Does he make at least $800 a year? Did he say NO to drugs and YES to chores?
Why did your mom marry your dad?
1. My dad makes the best spaghetti in the world. And my Mom eats a lot.
2. She got too old to do anything else with him.
3. My grandma says that Mom didn't have her thinking cap on. (I almost peed my pants when I read this one)
Who's the boss at your house?
1. Mom doesn't want to be boss, but she has to because dad's such a goof ball.
2. Mom. You can tell by room inspection. She sees the stuff under the bed.
3. I guess Mom is, but only because she has a lot more to do than dad.
What's the difference between moms & dads?
1. Moms work at work and work at home & dads just go to work at work.
2. Moms know how to talk to teachers without scaring them.
3. Dads are taller & stronger, but moms have all the real power 'cause that's who you got to ask if you want to sleep over at your friend's.
4. Moms have magic, they make you feel better without medicine.
What does your mom do in her spare time?
1. Mothers don't do spare time.
2. To hear her tell it, she pays bills all day long.
What would it take to make your mom perfect?
1. On the inside she's already perfect. Outside, I think some kind of plastic surgery.
2. Diet. You know, her hair. I'd diet, maybe blue.
If you could change one thing about your Mom, what would it be?
1. She has this weird thing about me keeping my room clean. I'd get rid of that.
2. I'd make my Mom smarter. Then she would know it was my sister who did it and not me.
3. I would like for her to get rid of those invisible eyes on the back of her head.
Top 3s
TOP 3'S (got this from my cousin Jobie's friendster bulletin post)
- Love
- Lovelia
- ***
- June
- September
- December
- Check my yahoo email
- Read comments on my multiply site
- Check my friendster
- Spend time with family
- Stay within the budget
- Go out once in a while
- good conversationalist
- humility
- patience
- usb flash drive
- 4 - AA rechargeable batteries
- havaianas slippers (size 8)
- taking pictures and posting them
- blogging
- surfing the web
- Hong Kong
- Boracay
- Barbie
- Strawberry Shortcake
- My Little Pony
- Chloe
- Lance
- Ashley
- Festival Mall
- Alabang Town Center
- SM - Muntinlupa
- Jolibee
- Mc Donald's
- Wendy's
- Watermelon shake
- Lipton green tea
- Lipton red tea
- wallet
- hand sanitizer
- tissue
- Angel's breath
- Victoria's Secret Love Spell
Issey Miyake
- white
- green
- pink
- a visit from my mom
- new year reunion with the Rebosas
- summer vacation
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Christmas 3 + 1 = 2007
Something's different this year ... nope, it's not the Christmas tree nor the decorations to be put up. It's our Christmas tree (3+1) formula ... This year, we're no longer a tree (3) ... We have an addition to the family ... (+) LANCE.
Last year, when Mon put up our Christmas tree, Lance was only about 2 months old. He was just staring at the lights and most of the decorations were done by his sister. This year, he had more active participation. In his own little way, he tried his best to help his sister. He takes the balls and flowers out of the box and gives them to Chloe. Funny because most of the balls and flowers ended up on the floor while an angry big sister was losing her patience. Ahahaha! You should have seen Chloe's face >:o( hehehe! She was yelling at me to stop taking pictures and hold Lance instead because she was already tired of picking up after the Christmas decorations that Lance left across the entire floor. It was so funny!
Anyway, when Mon turned on the Christmas lights, the little boy stopping trying to help his sister. Instead, his attention was caught by the lights all over the tree. He was fascinated! He enjoyed looking at his reflection on the shiny balls. Good thing he was just holding and touching the balls instead of his usual gnawing and putting things in his mouth.
And so, here's the division of labor:
(1) Mon assembled the tree and placed the Christmas lights ...
(2) Chloe and I decorated the tree with balls and flowers ...
(3) Lance ... well, he sort of tried to help with decorating the tree ... hahaha! We just allowed him to put the angel on top of the tree ...
(4) Lastly, Mon and I placed the ribbon and then decorated our plants outside with Christmas lights.
Hopefully by December, we shall be adding more decorations ...
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
A Pup Named, "Moccha" ...
This one is dedicated to Chloe's "supposedly" first puppy ... "MOCCHA"
Chloe has been nagging me and Mon for a puppy for months now. One day, while waiting for a jeep near Alabang's palenke, specifically near Jollibee. I saw these women standing in front of 7-11 with various puppies on hand. That was when my eye caught this cute little moccha colored puppy. I asked for the lady if she had miniature breeds. I didn't want big dogs. I planned on keeping a small dog inside the house keeping in mind that small dogs ate small, peed small and stools will be small as well.
She took "moccha" and this other black and white colored dog that looked like an "askal" (aka. "asong kalye"). She said that she's selling them for Php 1,200. I said, "Ate, pasensya na kaya lang P500 lang pera ko". We bargained ... she didn't want to lower the price at first because it was "moccha" that I liked and she said that "moccha" was a "beagle". Well, I said, I might as well go home because I don't have enough money ... She said that she bought the puppy for P600 and would settle for P700. We closed the deal ...
I called Mon and informed him what I planned and told him the price. He gave me the "go" signal.
Upon arriving home, Chloe was so surprised! Lots of thank you's, hugs and kisses as well as promises of being a good girl were heard from her. I could see her eyes shining. She couldn't keep her excitement! It was as if a new baby arrived. Actually, "moccha" was a baby when we got her as she was only 1 and a half month.
Chloe played with Moccha, carried her around, watched her sleep, went everywhere with her inside the house. Lance was even fond of her as well. He would try to pat her head or caress her fur.
24 hours later, Rosalie, our household helper had eyebags from the night before. Moccha kept her awake ... She wanted to play all night whilst she slept almost the whole day, the day before.
Moccha was now more playful ... drank alot of milk ... ate a lot of dog food ... and then ... peed a lot ... pooed a lot too ... We just couldn't keep up. There were just too many stools and wiwi all over the house. It's not as if we could buy a puppy diaper for her (sigh* how i wish ...)
Then, it just hit me ... we couldn't keep Moccha ... She was an additional baby that needed even more attention than Lance and almost nothing was accomplished in the house because we had to keep an eye on her and Lance ...
We finally decided that we had to give Moccha away ... Mon and I talked to Chloe ... explained to her that she was still too young and not yet responsible enough to take care of a puppy. We were also afraid that Moccha might accidentally bite Chloe because she was becoming too playful and beginning to become rough. Moccha doesn't have shots yet. The vet said it is usually on the 3rd month birthday that shots are given to puppies. We told Chloe that when she is big enough to take care of the puppy herself, then we would buy her another one.
I guess Chloe understood our point and so, she obliged. We thought of someone who loved dogs and whom we knew we could visit when we want to see Moccha and all of us agreed that we would give her to Mon's cousin, Gerald.
We texted Gerald and asked if he was interested to give a puppy a home. We told him what happened and sure enough, he was happy to take her. The same night, Gerald and Tita Tess came over to pick up Moccha. We told Chloe that maybe when she's big enough, Moccha might have her own puppies and her Tito Gerald will just give her one.
And, the rest is history ... maybe next time, I will post pics of what Moccha looks like now ... on our next visit to Gerald, of course.
Simple pleasures ...
I call these type of moments, "simple pleasures" ... When I see my kids pose for me like this, I just can't stop myself from capturing the moment ... As it is, both of them are growing fast before my eyes ...
Aside from that, it's just so hard to get a decent picture of the two ... Lance just isn't the type to pose for you on cue ... Add the fact that he is into wal;king and running lately ... hehehe!
"Gigil!" ... Yup, "nanggigil si Mon kay Chloe kaya pinapak ng halik" Hahaha! Mon just adores his princess ... He loves giving her hugs and kisses espescially when she dresses up so "kikayish" and smells so good.
Now, you know how Chloe reacts to her Daddy's "panggigigil" ;p
Sleeping on Halloween ...
Halloween day was spent at home. After the Glorietta incident, Mon didn't want us going to the mall. And so, we just kept the kid pre-occupied at home with stuff ...
Evening came and both kids were exhausted from playing ...
I took this picture when Lance woke up in the middle of the night and moved over from his bed to sleep beside her sister, Chloe. They just looked so cute! I couldn't help myself get a snapshot :)
Baby Items for SALE!
My youngest, Lance, has outgrown some of his baby stuff which is why Mon and I decided to sell them. If you're wondering why, it's because we won't be having any more kids. I had a bilateral tubal ligation performed at the same time when I gave birth to Lance via cesarean section.
I've already posted the infant car seat by Cosco, baby monitor by Evenflo, walker by Chicco and playpen/play yard by Century at our PHOTOS section. These are all in good condition and some would even pass as brand new.
I will be adding more items in the future and will let you ALL know.
Thank you and God bless!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
My Breastfeeding Experience, Part 1 - "Give Breastfeeding A Chance"
My Breastfeeding Experience – Part 2
Breastfeeding is just one of the challenges that women go through when they enter motherhood. I salute those mothers who were able to commit themselves to breastfeeding their children for at least 6 months. Yup, it has to be a minimum of 6 months. That’s what my pediatrician told me. You need to breastfeed for a minimum of 6 months to reach that goal of giving your child a stronger immune system. Then again, breastfeeding even for a short period of time is better that not being able to breastfeed at all.
I am not criticizing those who did not breastfeed their children nor those who breastfed their children for less than 6 months. Of course, breastfeeding is a CHOICE. I am writing this to encourage mothers to try breastfeeding. Once you have started, stay committed. It’s very hard to commit yourself to breastfeeding your baby for at least 6 months, but it is possible.
As a matter of fact, I am guilty … Guilty because I was not able to breastfeed my eldest. Six years ago, I had this notion that breastfeeding the baby for a few days to a week was enough. I thought that as long as my baby was able to feed on the colostrum (the first milk which is slightly yellowish in color that is rich in antibodies), it was enough. I was definitely not into breastfeeding. I found it too hard … I didn’t even bother trying hard enough. I tried breastfeeding Chloe when they roomed her in the hospital but found “latching-on” difficult. She would be able to latch-on and suck vigorously but eventually, she would lose grip on my nipple. I found it hard to see her so hungry and frustrated which is why I eventually gave in to feeding her with milk formula. Eventually, I used my small nipple as an alibi to breastfeeding. I didn’t even try to learn how to make the baby latch on properly nor try different breastfeeding positions. I just gave up …
I thought, bottle feeding was more convenient and my husband would be able to take turns with me during the night feedings. Vanity also took toll on me. I was afraid that my breasts would sag as a result of breastfeeding. I didn’t get any support from family. Nobody encouraged me to try breastfeeding nor explained to me the benefits that came with it. My father volunteered to provide us with milk formula because he gets about 30-40% discount from My-lac and Hi-nulac (products from the company he worked for) as one of the privileges of a retired employee of Unilab. This was an additional reason for me to choose milk formula than breastfeeding.
Why am I sharing this experience? It’s not too late! If you didn’t try breastfeeding like I did before, you can always try again with your succeeding children.
More mature now and more prepared for the coming of a new baby, I told myself that I would give breastfeeding another chance. This time, the nurses from Medical Center Muntinlupa’s NICU were very encouraging and supportive. My pediatrician and the pedia-resident on duty talked to me about breastfeeding and its benefits. My OB-GYNE also encouraged me to breastfeed. Even my parents and my hubby were supportive as well. Because of all these, I became determined to try it and stay committed.
Kindly read my previous blog, “My Breastfeeding Experience” about what I went through when I started breastfeeding as well as the benefits to both the mother and the baby.
And so, I tried and got the hang of it. I found breastfeeding as a wonderful experience despite the minor discomforts I had to go through. Breastfeeding was “bonding time” between me and Lance. It felt really good that I have something to share with my child that I alone could give him. This was a priceless 10 months experience … And, I actually miss it …
Again, to all the pregnant women and new mothers out there, I urge all of you to give breastfeeding a try. It won’t be easy at first but once you get the hang of it, it will bring you and your baby numerous benefits plus the joy that you will feel confirms “mommyhood”.
Please prepare yourself emotionally and physically for this job. A lot of love, encouragement and support from family and friends are also key points to the success of breastfeeding.
Once you are able to achieve the goal – breastfeeding for a minimum of 6 months … In the end, you will know that it is ALL WORTH IT.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Mango Graham Cream Dessert
This dessert is one of my husband's favorites ... I don't really know what it is exactly called but we just call it Mango Graham Cream because of the ingredients. This one's so easy to do, it will just take about 5-10 mins. Here's what you need:
4-5 ripe mangoes
2 cans of Nestle cream (premium, this one's thicker than the all-purpose cream tetra-pk)
1 small can of condensed milk
2-3 packs of graham cookies
How to do:
- Prepare. Peel the ripe mangoes the way you would when peeling green mangoes ... slice them out thinly ... In a bowl, mix you Nestle cream and condensed milk.
- In a square or rectangular glass or plastic dish, whatever you have at home ... lay out your graham crackers flatly ... using a spoon, spread some of the cream over the cracker, then the mangoes.
- Just repeat this process ... graham cracker, then cream, then mangoes, then crackers again ... and so on, and so forth.
- Place in the freezer for about an hour then serve.
- This recipe makes about 6 large slices ...
- Enjoy!
Friday, October 19, 2007
My Breastfeeding Experience
My Breastfeeding Experience
Breastfeeding ... The best gift a mother can give to her child. It is one of the best things a mother can share with her child. As a mother who was given the opportunity to try breastfeeding and be successful at it, I want to share with you my experience …
I am a mother of 2 beautiful children. My eldest, Chloe Victoria, is now 6 years old while my youngest, Lance Raymond, just turned 1 this year. I had the chance to breastfeed my eldest but chose to feed her milk formula instead. Back then, I thought that milk formula was more nutritious for my child. I was wrong …
Having been blessed with another child, I was determined to try breastfeeding. This time, I knew the many benefits that came with it.
Let me start with giving birth ... I gave birth through a repeat cesarean section because I was considered a high risk patient. I had a history of pre-eclampsia from my previous pregnancy, thus, the reason for the repeat cesarean section. I also had a mass that was located subcutaneously along my old cesarean incision. This mass was suspected to be endometriosis. Ultrasound result said it was not. The only way to confirm was through excision biopsy. Luckily, I was giving birth through a cesarean section. My OB-GYNE advised that once she opens me, she will check and see.
I underwent a repeat cesarean section, a tubal ligation and a mass excision. My OB-GYNE removed a mass that was already the size of a “santol”. After getting the histopath result, it was not even near endometriosis. Medically speaking, I could not remember the term for what it was, but in layman’s term, it was just an accumulation of fat tissues.
During my hospital stay at Medical Center Muntinlupa, both my OB-GYNE and Lance’s pediatrician advised that I breastfeed. My OB-GYNE suggested breastfeeding to help my uterus contract and be able to go back to its normal state faster and to help my hormones prevent a mass recurrence. Lance’s pediatrician also recommended breastfeeding so that the baby can reap from its numerous benefits.
After 24 hours, I was informed that the baby could not be roomed-in because he was undergoing phototherapy and was being given antibiotics because of an infection that he might have contracted from me when I had a urinary tract infection during my 2nd trimester. I decided, if the baby could not be roomed-in, might as well breastfeed him at the nursery.
The nurses at the NICU were very encouraging. They told me not to worry if my milk seems so little. Frequent stimulation from the baby’s sucking will send signals to the brain so that there would be more milk production. I went to visit Lance every 3 hours to breastfeed him. It was hard at first … my nipple seems so small and I was still adjusting on how to make him “latch-on”. I also felt that my milk was not enough to satisfy his hunger. I was frustrated … The NICU nurses continued their support and encouragement. True enough, within 24 hours, my breasts were filled with milk and hard as a rock! This time, I wish I had bought a breast pump.
A week after giving birth, typhoon “Milenyo” arrived … As we know, Southern Tagalog was the worst struck (we live in Muntinlupa). There was no water and electricity. No means to wash bottles nor sterilize them. The typhoon was, in a way, a blessing in disguise. Exclusive breastfeeding was the only choice.
Exclusive breastfeeding was a challenge. Challenge is the correct word to describe it because it was not an easy task. Only those who are determined shall succeed. It requires the mother to be on-call 24/7, which means that the father only gets to share with the feeding if breast milk is pumped and given through a bottle.
Initially, my nipples became sore from prolonged and frequent sucking of the baby. It was swollen, painful and at times, seemed chapped. I had to be patient … The NICU nurses advised that a cotton ball soaked with water should be used to clean the nipples before and after feeding. After cleaning the nipple, it should be air dried. The breast milk provided protection for the nipple’s skin which seemed to act like an antiseptic. In a month’s time, my nipples have adjusted and no sign of soreness, chapping and the like would be seen.
My breasts were like watermelons when I was breastfeeding … Breasts that are filled with milk become large, heavy, hard, painful and leaking. This was the sign that either your baby needs to feed or you need to pump the milk. During re-fill times, breasts ache too. It feels like there is a surge of electricity in your breasts. This is a sign that your body is producing more milk supply.
Where did time go? I asked that question to myself during the first 6 months of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding requires time and patience. During the first 3 months, your nipples have a slow-flow. This means that your baby takes more time to feed. The baby usually feeds 15-20 minutes during each feeding every 2 to 3 hours. Back then, I felt like I was a “milking cow”. I spent most of my time breastfeeding Lance during the first 6 months. You see, babies’ breastfeeding habits are different from one another. Lance was the type of baby that sucked vigorously during the first 5 minutes and eventually slept while sucking on my breast from time to time. It was during these times that I felt that he was taking forever to finish his feeding.
Aside from the discomforts that I have mentioned, breastfeeding is not very accepted socially by the public. It was so hard for us to find a place for me to breastfeed whenever in a public place.
Why put up with all these when it is so much easier to give the baby a bottle of milk formula? Antibodies, a boosted immune system, higher IQ, hypo-allergenic and economical are some of my main reasons. Also, the bond that a mother and baby shares during these times are priceless!
Aside from the above mentioned, I discovered benefits not only for the baby but for myself as well. Despite always being sleep-deprived, my skin was fair, smooth, flawless and glowing! I think this was the only time I could remember my skin being perfect. I also lost a lot of my pregnancy’s excess weight.
However, I was always hungry after breast feeding which lead me to eat more. Instead of gaining weight, I was able to maintain the weight that I lost.
Breast milk is truly custom-tailored for baby. It is constantly changing to suit your baby’s exact needs. Its quantity also matches your baby’s appetite.
During Lance’s first 3 months, milk flow was slow and ranged from 1 to 3 ounces per breast. In the succeeding months, milk flow became faster and much more in quantity. I was amazed at how breast milk could actually predict how much and how frequent a baby needs to feed. When my breasts start to leak milk, my body signals that baby needs a feeding.
By 10 months, I started to alternate breast milk and milk formula. This was the time when Lance was eating solids on a regular basis. He was also breast feeding less frequently which led to a decrease in my milk supply. By 11 months, I decided to fully shift him to milk formula. It was his teething that led me to this decision. He bit my nipple and it bled! From that time, I was afraid whenever he would breast feed because he pulls on my nipple when his gums hurt. Of course, he was unaware that when he pulls on my nipple, he already has teeth.
To conclude my breastfeeding experience, I would say that if given another chance, I would do it all over again. Breastfeeding is an experience only a mother can share. It is something special that strengthens the bond between mother and child.
Lastly, I would like to share with you the numerous benefits of breastfeeding for YOU and your BABY: (Links from references will be posted below)
· Breastmilk provides the exact needs of your baby, whether pre-term or full term. No milk formula can do that.
· Breastmilk contains unique components:
o that help in absorption of iron
o that protects the GUT from harmful bacteria
o that aids in the digestion of fats
o that contains special growth factors and hormones that contribute to optimal growth and development
· Breastmilk is your baby’s first immunization. It contains antibodies that strengthen your baby’s immune system.
· Breastfeeding, if done exclusively for a minimum of 6 months will provide protection for a baby with a familial tendency for allergic diseases such as asthma and eczema.
· Breastfed babies are less likely to be obese when they become adults.
· Breastfeeding leads to optimal brain development or higher IQ.
· Breastfeeding contributes to optimal oral development.
· Breastmilk is always available, fresh, economical and just the right temperature.
· Breastfeeding provides a feeling of security to the baby.
· Breastfeeding aids in contraction of the uterus after giving birth.
· Continued exclusive breastfeeding delays the return of ovulation and menstruation.
· Breastfeeding helps you lose weight.
· Breastfeeding diabetic mothers tend to need less insulin or medication for their diabetes.
· “Mothers who breastfeed for at least 6 months throughout their lifetime have a decreased risk of breast cancer” (
Saturday, December 16, 2006
The Arrival of Lance Raymond
After almost 3 months after giving birth to Lance, I have finally found the time to write …
Let me start with September … After the Linggo ng Wika last August, the month of September was supposed to be “field trip” time for Chloe. However, since I was scheduled for a repeat cesarean section with Lance on September 20 (too close for comfort with Chloe’s school field trip), we decided not to let her join because she said that she wanted to be present when Lance arrives in the nursery.

24 hours after giving birth, I was already able to walk. Since Lance was being monitored for his hyperbilirubinemia (result of ABO incompatibility … am a type O while Lance is type A) and was being given antibiotics for infection (his urinalysis showed high pus cells), I was the one who visited him at the nursery every 2-3 hours to breastfeed him. His blood culture test showed that he was negative for those deadly bacteria like strep pneumonia and the like which was why his pedia allowed us to take him home on the 3rd day. However, he went home with a heplock where I injected his antibiotic to finish 7 days.

Sunday, August 27, 2006
Linggo ng Wika 2006

After the presentation, Mon, my Dad, Chloe and I had lunch at Pizza Hut as a reward for Chloe's successful performance. Click here to view the pictures from LINGGO NG WIKA