Sunday, February 05, 2006


Yup, it's positive! Am 6 weeks pregnant and estimated to be due around the 30th of September this year.

This is such a wonderful surprise for me and my family ... I have been off the pill for about 6 months now ever since a small mass was detected just beneath my umbilicus 7 months ago. My OB-GYNE suspected it might be caused by endometriosis since it becomes painful when my menstrual period is near and espescially when I have my menstrual period. We had an ultrasound and the sonographer said it was a benign mass and could be removed through surgery the next time I gave birth via cesarean section. However, during that time, Mon and I felt that we were not ready financially for another baby.

My OB-GYNE suggested I stop taking my pills and observe the following month. She said, I should expect a heavier menstrual flow the following month and if endometriosis is the one causing the pain then I should expect more pain by then. Miraculously, the following month, my menstrual period did become heavier but the pain was gone. Mon and I decided that maybe it was time I put my pills to rest.

The following months, my menstrual cycle ranged between 5-6 weeks but always came during those times. This month (February), however, I was expecting my menstruation to come on or before the 4th of February. I bought the pregnancy test a day before the 4th ... I was planning to perform the test on the morning of the 4th so that I can use my first morning urine.

Funny though, because the night before ... I dreamt that the pregnancy test I was going to perform the next day was going to be positive. And it was ...

It came to me as a beautiful surprise. My OB-GYNE told us before that if the mass I had was caused by endometriosis, it might become difficult for us to conceive another child. I was worried and confused then because I wanted to have another child except that we were not financially ready then.

But this time, I told Mon that God is really good! I got pregnant at a time that Mon was recently given a salary increase and we knew that another baby would be more than welcome ...

When Mon and I got married, it took us almost a year before I got pregnant with Chloe. Everytime my menstrual period was delayed, it was always a negative pregnancy test. I guess you could say that this was the first pregnancy test I performed that was immediately positive.

Morning of February 4th, I called my mom to break her the news ... she was so happy! I also called my Dad, texted my sister ... Mon called his parents and texted his siblings ... they were all happy for us.

Good thing, my OB-GYNE had her clinic that day at MCM, Muntinlupa. We called the hospital and scheduled for an appointment with her.

I showed her my (+) pregnancy test ... she smiled and was happy for us ... Dra. Loida Ponio has been my OB-GYNE since Mon and I got married 7 years ago. She was so happy to see Chloe again ... she said what a beautiful girl Chloe was and it was just right that we gave her another sibling.

My anti-hypertensive med (Norvasc 5mg) was shifted to Aldomet (250 mg) and was given Aspilet (80 mg). I was also given Folart as my folic acid supplement and Duphaston to make sure I don't experience any spotting the way I had during my first trimester when I was pregnant with Chloe. I was to get a urinalysis to be brought on my next pre-natal check up on March 4.

This is all for now ... till the next check-up ...

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